Keywords: Moliere2.jpg Artwork Creator Charles-Antoine Coypel 1730 Oil on canvas Bibliotheque de la Comédie-Française fr Paris scanned myself Paris Comédie-Française Old image from http //www lib utexas edu/photodraw/portraits/ source Hundred Greatest Men The New York D Appleton Company 1885 other versions <gallery>Moliere 12 jpg</gallery> PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1730; Molière Charles-Antoine Coypel Bibliothèque-Musée de la Comédie-Française collections Portraits of Molière Coypel Charles-Antoine 1730 oil on canvas paintings in France Portrait 1730 portrait paintings from France Male 18th-century oil portraits of sitting men at half length 18th-century portrait paintings in France Portrait paintings holding quills Portrait paintings of men of France Moliere Portraits of people thinking Portraits writing Posthumous portraits |