Keywords: Mushroomcloud Size.svg en Final height h and radius r of a nuclear mushroom cloud as a function of the explosive yield W The final height is approximately the height above the burst point for low and intermediate W and approx the height above sea leval for high W Quelle Glasstone Dolan 1977 numerical approximation of original graph de Endhöhe und Radius der Pilzwolke einer Kernwaffenexplosion als Funktion der Sprengkraft W Die Endhöhe ist ungefähr die Höhe über dem Detonationspunkt für geringe und mittlere W und ungefähr die Höhe über Meeresniveau für große W Quelle Glasstone Dolan 1977 numerische Näherung des Originalgraphen Own SiriusB 2008-11-21 Image Mushroomcloud Size png The graph can be reproduced with Gnuplot version 4 2 or higher using this script reset lw1 2 0; lw2 2 0; lw3 1 ; lw4 0 5 set term svg enhanced size 600 450 font Helvetica 14 ;set output 'cloud svg' ch 3 0 scaling factor for height cw 0 6 scaling factor for radius f lx 0 006941 lx 4-0 06216 lx 3+0 1526 lx 2+0 1878 lx log height g lx 0 0137 lx 3-0 0358 lx 2+0 37 lx log radius h lx ch 10 f lx r lx cw 10 g lx h0 lx ch 10 lx/3 r0 lx cw 10 lx/3 clx 0 75;dlx 0 2 smooth interpolation via Fermi-Dirac function tau lx 1 / exp clx-lx /dlx +1 other interpolations are possible uat lx 1 -tau lx hsw lx tau lx h lx +uat lx h0 lx rsw lx tau lx r lx +uat lx r0 lx set logscale x; set logscale x2 set xrange 1 50000; set xtics 10; set mxtics 10 set yrange 0 50; set ytics 10; set mytics 5 set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics back lt 1 lw 0 5 lc rgb ' 808080' lt 1 lw 0 5 lc rgb ' b0b0b0' set key left Use slanted fonts for variables if available set xlabel ' /Oblique W / kT'; set ylabel ' /Oblique h /Oblique r / km' set xlabel 'W / kT'; set ylabel 'h r / km' plot hsw log10 x t ' /Oblique h ' w l lt 1 lw lw1 lc rgb ' 770000' \ rsw log10 x t ' /Oblique r ' w l lt 2 lw lw1 lc rgb ' ff0000' reset Nuclear explosion physics Mushroom clouds SVG diagrams |