Keywords: Nadegda Engelhardt.jpg Artwork ru адежда Васильевна Шепелёва в 1 б аке Измайлова 1761-1834 у ожд Энгельга дт племянница св кн Г А Потемкина-Тав ического 1780-е painting unknown 4 Engelhardt other versions PD-old-100 18th-century unidentified painters 1780s 18th-century portrait paintings location missing 1780s House of Engelhardt 1780s House of Izmaylov 1780s House of Shepelev 1780s 18th-century oil portraits of women at bust length 1780s Aristocratic portraits a la russe Black and white reproductions of portrait paintings in color 1780s Females with pearl necklaces in art 1780s |