Keywords: education europe educationeurope naec north addington education centre northaddingtoneducationcentre history class historyclass karen hughes karenhughes karen fleming karenfleming 1973 glynn warwick glynnwarwick alan kay alankay doris wilson doriswilson doris varga dorisvarga nicole goodfellow nicolegoodfellow brenda brooks brendabrooks debbie lessard debbielessard grace mordak gracemordak kevin paterson kevinpaterson donald petzold donaldpetzold randy brooks randybrooks janet wise janetwise heather stein heatherstein bruce mcshane brucemcshane judy sedore judysedore rick mcluckie rickmcluckie ken hook kenhook carol northey carolnorthey bus europe trip education school trip schooltrip cloyne cathy arney darlene andrews darleneandrews jan beswick janbeswick laurie lloyd text monochrome This article in the Tweed News shows the group of North Addington Education Centre students about to leave for a 3 week tour of Europe. As the article states, students worked and saved for 2 years leading up to the trip. Spearheaded by history teacher Karen Hughes (Fleming) this was a trip of a lifetime for many students. Students did a variety of tasks to raise money including clearing brush on Meek's flat, cleaning out a pig barn for Bill Head, cutting Elm trees near Sharbot Lake and selling them for firewood, selling steak boards, Christmas cards and just about anything else that would earn some cash. Teachers in the above left photo include: Bill Rowsome (Principal), Karen Hughes, Glynn Warwick and Alan Kay. Doris Varga (Wilson) is also in the photo. Students who went on the trip included: Nicole Goodfellow, Debbie Lessard, Brenda Brooks, Grace Mordak, Kevin Paterson, Don Petzold, Randy Brooks, Janet Wise, Bruce McShane, Judy Sedore, Rick McLuckie, Heather Stein, Ken Hook, Cathy Arney, Carol Northey, Darlene Andrews, Laurie Lloyd and Jan Beswick. This article in the Tweed News shows the group of North Addington Education Centre students about to leave for a 3 week tour of Europe. As the article states, students worked and saved for 2 years leading up to the trip. Spearheaded by history teacher Karen Hughes (Fleming) this was a trip of a lifetime for many students. Students did a variety of tasks to raise money including clearing brush on Meek's flat, cleaning out a pig barn for Bill Head, cutting Elm trees near Sharbot Lake and selling them for firewood, selling steak boards, Christmas cards and just about anything else that would earn some cash. Teachers in the above left photo include: Bill Rowsome (Principal), Karen Hughes, Glynn Warwick and Alan Kay. Doris Varga (Wilson) is also in the photo. Students who went on the trip included: Nicole Goodfellow, Debbie Lessard, Brenda Brooks, Grace Mordak, Kevin Paterson, Don Petzold, Randy Brooks, Janet Wise, Bruce McShane, Judy Sedore, Rick McLuckie, Heather Stein, Ken Hook, Cathy Arney, Carol Northey, Darlene Andrews, Laurie Lloyd and Jan Beswick. |