Keywords: New floral guide (16675593778).jpg 36 <br> The Conard Jones Company West Grove Pa <br> New Gold Medal Rose <br> Jubilee <br> We ask special <br> attention to JUBILEE <br> knowing that it is <br> one of the most <br> beautiful and satis- <br> factory Roses ever <br> introduced <br> It is a true <br> hybrid per- <br> petual and <br> blooms fine- <br> 1 ' in the fall <br> as well as in <br> the early <br> summer <br> Perfectly <br> hardy and <br> needs no <br> protection ; a <br> healthy vigor- <br> ous grower with <br> handsome dark green <br> foliage blooms abund <br> antly three flowers on <br> each jhoot The flowers are <br> very large frequently 6 inches <br> across outer petals partially <br> reflexed the centre petals <br> upright giving grace and <br> beaut ' without showing <br> the centre The buds <br> are long and rounded ; <br> the color is bright flash- <br> ing red shading to glow- <br> ing velvety crimson the <br> fragrance is delightfully <br> rich and lasting It is a <br> truly magniticent rose in every way and cannot be <br> recommended too highly We oEer strong vigor- <br> ous plants m four different sizes <br> NEW GOLD MEDAL ROSE JUBILEE <br> Fine Plants from 2K-iiich pots 15 fts each SI 50 per doz postpaid <br> « 3 25 cts ' 54 50 <br> T- 70-year �' 4 40 cts 4 00 by express <br> Three-year 5 to 6 75 cts 8 00 <br> 14 SPECIALLY SELECTED HARDY PERPETUAL ROSES <br> Special quick-blooming pize for immediate ijlanting These are hardy -well-ma- <br> tured plants larger and stronger than one-year size and therefore a little higher in <br> price but well worth the difference We recommend them <br> NNA ALEXIEFF � Clear rosy pink passing to brilliant <br> carmine ; ver ' large and double and delightfully fragrant <br> 20 cts each Two-year size 35 cts <br> COQUETTES DES ALPS � Elegant large flowers fine <br> cupped form well filled pure milk white sometimes <br> faintly tinged with rose ; an abundant bloomer hardy <br> and good 20 cts each Two-year size 35 cts <br> CROWN PRINCE � A noble rose; large bold flowers <br> borne erect on strong stiff stems beautifully formed <br> very full and sweet ; color rich ruby crimson very bright <br> and handsome 20 cts each Two-vear size 85 cts <br> EXPOSITION OF BRUSSELS � Extra large full flowers ; <br> deep purplish red almost black with fiery red centre ; <br> a good bloomer; vigorous and hardy 20 cts each Two-year <br> size 35 cts <br> GENERAL JACQUEMINOT � Bright shining crimson <br> very rich and velvety exceedingly brilliant and hand- <br> some one of the ver\best 20 cts Two-year size 35 cts <br> GIANT OF battle's � Bright fiery crimson large very <br> double and sweet ; constant bloomer one of the very best <br> 20 cts each Two-year size 8 5 cts <br> GLORIE LYONAIS'e � a splendid rose the nearest yellow <br> of any hybrid perpetual large full and double rich <br> creamy white tinged with vellowish orange shading <br> 20 cts each Two-year size 3o cts <br> JEAN LIABAUD � Exceedingly dark and handsome; al- <br> most black ; large full and fragrant a splendid rose 20 <br> cts each Two-year size 35 cts <br> JULES MARGOTTIN � Bright cherry red large and full <br> delightfully perfumed strong hafd ' free bloomer; al- <br> ways gives'satisf action 20 cts each Two-year size 85 cts <br> MADAME FANNIE DE FOREST � Pure milk white con- <br> stant bloomer handsome and desirable fine large flowers <br> quite full and double 20 cts each Two-year size 85 cts <br> MAGNA CHARTA -Extra large full flowers of unusual <br> depth and substance ; bright rosy-pink ; very grand pro- <br> fuse bloomer One of the hardiest and best blooming per- <br> petual roses 20 cts each Two-year size 35 cts <br> PAEONIA � One of the hardiest and best hybrid perpetual <br> roses grows strong and erect flowers very- large regular <br> full form perfectly double deep flashing crimson very- <br> fragrant a grand rose in every way 20 cts each T'vo- <br> year size 85 cts <br> RICHARD WALLACE-Deep crimson elegantly flamed <br> with scarlet large globular flowers ver\- double and <br> always bright and effective ; hardy and good bloomer 20 <br> cts each Two-vear size 85cts <br> SENATOR VAISS'E- Bright flashing crimson flamed with <br> scarlet ; very large full and double 20 cts each Two- <br> year size 35 cts <br> SPECIAL OFFER <br> Any 3 of the above 20c varieties for 50c 7 for SI 00 or the complete set of 15 in- <br> cluding Jubilee for 3 00 postpaid Two-year size by express three 3oc kind s for <br> 81 00; 7 for S2 00 set of 15 including Jubilee for S4 00 42484198 134532 67120 Page 36 Text http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484198 1901 10 1111/j 1469-7998 1865 tb02381 x Conard Jones Co West Grove Pa ; Henry G Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection NameFound Charta NameConfirmed Charta NameBankID 4106878 NameFound Paeonia NameConfirmed Paeonia EOLID 61607 NameBankID 2645593 Biodiversity Heritage Library New floral guide 1901 Garden Stories Bulbs Plants Catalogs Nursery stock Plants Ornamental Roses Seeds U S Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library bhl page 42484198 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/42484198 Conard Jones Co Flowers West Grove PA Conard Jones Co bhlGardenStories BHLinbloom bulbs plants plants ornamental u s department of agriculture national agricultural library west grove pa conard jones co bhlgardenstories bhlinbloom Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2015-03-19 Check categories 2015 August 23 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/16675593778 2015-08-23 23 58 07 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 New floral guide 1901 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |