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Keywords: NonFreeImageRemoved.svg If you found the above image on a page it is because a non-free image has been replaced by this image For legal reasons and with respect to our goal to be a free content encyclopedia Wikipedia only allows the use of non-free images in a select few cases If a non-free image has been replaced with this image it means the use of that image was not appropriate Do not re-add the removed image you will be reverted and possibly blocked For more information on the limited cases where non-free images may be used in Wikipedia see Wikipedia Non-free content If you are writing a draft article that will have fair use images in it once it reaches the article space you can simply add a colon to it For example changing <nowiki>Image foo jpg</nowiki> to <nowiki></nowiki> Image foo jpg will prevent the image being removed This copyright symbol is public domain and taken from Image Copyright svg en wikipedia 2007-05-08 Nick wikipedia en Later versions were uploaded by Zscout370 James S SukoshiIjouNo Hubiedoo Davis160 Fluck at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia Nick original upload log page en wikipedia NonFreeImageRemoved svg 2007-05-20 08 09 Fluck 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-20 08 08 Fluck 300×300×0 111340 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-19 23 21 Davis160 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-19 22 10 Hubiedoo 300×300×0 111340 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-19 22 10 Hubiedoo 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-15 07 43 Zscout370 300×300×0 111340 bytes <nowiki>Gah More suggestions </nowiki> 2007-05-15 07 23 Zscout370 296×84×0 110394 bytes <nowiki>A more friendly image sigh </nowiki> 2007-05-15 06 52 SukoshiIjouNo 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-14 07 08 James S 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-14 07 08 James S 300×300×0 44724 bytes <nowiki>Reverted to earlier revision</nowiki> 2007-05-14 01 30 Zscout370 300×300×0 43812 bytes <nowiki>Made text bigger</nowiki> 2007-05-14 01 19 Zscout370 300×300×0 44724 bytes <nowiki>Added more context changed text and also put the text on paths</nowiki> 2007-05-08 23 33 Nick 250×250×0 3589 bytes <nowiki> Copyright symbol is public domain and taken from Image Copyright svg</nowiki> Plain Copyright-Copyleft symbols Image placeholders in English Image placeholders square
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