Keywords: north american mustang northamericanmustang p-51 p51 aircraft 44-13926 4413926 375 fs 375fs 375th fs 375thfs 375th fighter squadron 375thfightersquadron aviation airplane military aviation militaryaviation north american aviation northamericanaviation naa north american northamerican north american p-51 mustang northamericanp51mustang north american p-51 northamericanp51 mustang p-51 mustang p51mustang north american p-51d mustang northamericanp51dmustang north american p-51d northamericanp51d p-51d mustang p51dmustang p-51d p51d rolls royce rollsroyce rr rolls royce merlin rollsroycemerlin merlin merlin engine merlinengine packard packard v-1650 merlin packardv1650merlin packard v-1650 packardv1650 packard merlin packardmerlin v-1650 v1650 361 fg 361fg 361st fg 361stfg 361st fighter group 361stfightergroup p-51d-5-na p51d5na blackandwhite monochrome vehicle outdoor black and white PictionID:43101792 - Title:North American P-51 Mustang - Catalog:16_003686 - Filename:16_003686.TIF - - - - Ray Wagner was Archivist at the San Diego Air and Space Museum for several years and is an author of several books on aviation --- ---Please Tag these images so that the information can be permanently stored with the digital file.---Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum PictionID:43101792 - Title:North American P-51 Mustang - Catalog:16_003686 - Filename:16_003686.TIF - - - - Ray Wagner was Archivist at the San Diego Air and Space Museum for several years and is an author of several books on aviation --- ---Please Tag these images so that the information can be permanently stored with the digital file.---Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum |