Keywords: Ortelius, Abraham Septentrionalivm regionvm descrip.jpg Artwork Creator Abraham Ortelius Theatrum Orbis Terrarum 1595 First Edition 1570 engraving copper cm 36 48 7 accession number object history credit line http //www helmink com/Antique_Map_Ortelius_Septentrionalium_oc/ Leen Helmink reference http //cf uba uva nl/nl/collecties/kaarten/ortelius/cat41 html Universiteit van Amsterdam <gallery>File Island19x1024 jpg</gallery> Maps by Abraham Ortelius Old maps of oceans Old maps of Iceland Old maps of Finland 16th-century maps of Estonia Old maps of Latvia Old maps of Scandinavia Ships on maps Old maps of Greenland Old maps of the Arctic 1595 maps Maps in Latin Theatrum Orbis Terrarum Maps of Iceland made in the 16th century PD-old-100 |