Keywords: OSTM Tilted to Position DVIDS759483.jpg en Inside the Astrotech processing facility at Vandenberg Air Force Base the OSTM/Jason-2 spacecraft is lifted to a near-45-degree angle on the tilt dolly The OSTM or Ocean Topography Mission on the Jason-2 satellite is a follow-on to Jason-1 It will take oceanographic studies of sea surface height into an operational mode for continued climate forecasting research and science and industrial applications This satellite altimetry data will help determine ocean circulation climate change and sea-level rise OSTM is a joint effort by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NASA France's Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales and the European Meteorological Satellite Organisation OSTM/Jason-2 will be launched aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta II 7320 from Vandenberg on June 15 April 30 2008 Photo credit NASA/Mark Mackley NASA Identifier 228616main_OSTMtilt-hires_full 2009-08-20 Glenn Research Center https //www dvidshub net/image/759483 759483 2012-10-19 18 04 WASHINGTON DC US PD-USGov Vandenberg Air Force Base Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |