Keywords: Peter Henry Emerson - Gathering Waterlilies - Google Art Project.jpg commons artist commons date commons medium commons dimensions commons institution commons location commons references commons object_history commons exhibition_history commons credit_line commons inscriptions commons notes commons accession_number commons source commons permission commons other_versions commons zoom core title en Gathering Waterlilies core date dateCreated 1886 core format w11 31 x h7 875 in image core type Photograph core rights en http //www artsmia org/index php section_id 7 core relation https //collections artsmia org/index php page detail id 193 core format medium Platinum print art artist_date 1856/1936 art artist_nationality English born Cuba c-00e82fc7 location origin England c-00e82fc7 customtext measurements 7 7/8 x 11 5/16 in 20 x 28 73 cm image 11 3/8 x 16 1/16 in 28 89 x 40 8 cm mount c-00e82fc7 creator photographer Peter Henry Emerson google display_date 1886 google is_artproject TRUE google is_gigapixel FALSE google is_secured TRUE google partner/id 0000000000e82fc7 google partner/name Minneapolis Institute of Arts google picasa_token zeyVXrxgDXDqbZZRC8uL_1debC0 special url_id 4AElPuLJQP3MPA special partner/name_no_lang Minneapolis Institute of Art 1936 Peter Henry Emerson Google Art Project works by Peter Henry Emerson Water-lilies in art |