Keywords: Population Overath 1939-2010.svg de Bevölkerung von Overath Rot Alte Gemeindegrenzen bis 1975 Grün Neue Grenzen ab 1975 en Population of Overath Germany Red Old community boundaries until 1975 Green New boundaries from 1975 Own Dapete 2012-08-30 older version with fewer data points 1939-2007 Based on data from http //www overath de/Einwohnerstatistik aspx Created with gnuplot using the following commands <pre> set terminal svg enhanced fname DejaVu Sans fsize 14 set output 'Population Overath svg' set xdata time set timefmt x Y- m- d set format x Y set xrange 1935 2015 noreverse nowriteback set xtics 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 nomirror set yrange 0 noreverse nowriteback set ytics 5000 nomirror set mytics 5 set grid ytics set border 3 plot 'bev dat' using 1 2 title with lines 'bev dat' using 1 3 title with lines quit </pre> Contents of bev dat <pre> 1939-05-07 6511 1946-10-29 10620 1950-09-13 10534 1961-06-06 11544 1967-01-01 13914 1970-05-26 15694 1974-12-31 20379 1975-12-31 20606 1976-12-31 20877 1977-12-31 21051 1978-12-31 21090 1979-12-31 21095 1980-12-31 21476 1981-12-31 21960 1982-12-31 22363 1983-12-31 22610 1984-12-31 22838 1985-12-31 22918 1986-12-31 23169 1987-12-31 22814 1988-12-31 23060 1989-12-31 23435 1990-12-31 23902 1991-12-31 24413 1992-12-31 24904 1993-12-31 25087 1994-12-31 25192 1995-12-31 25319 1996-12-31 25361 1997-12-31 25713 1998-12-31 25969 1999-12-31 26059 2000-12-31 26115 2001-12-31 26410 2002-12-31 26629 2003-12-31 26964 2004-12-31 27022 2005-12-31 27106 2006-12-31 27213 2007-12-31 27081 2008-12-31 27057 2009-12-31 26999 </pre> Temporal population graphs of North Rhine-Westphalia Overath Files by User Dapete Images with Gnuplot source code Cc-zero |