Keywords: celebration pink champagne pinkchampagne project 365 project365 rose she did it shedidit indoor Well, my photo opportunties today were an embarrassment of riches, and I had lots and lots of shots to choose from. I thought the interesting shot of the Beluga I got flying over school would be the winner, but if I'm to document this day I'd like to remember it as the day Laura got her first job in Britain! Yep, after being shortlisted from 250 applicants (yikes!) she was selected today and will be shortly starting work as a Biomedical Scientist. Yey! :D Well, my photo opportunties today were an embarrassment of riches, and I had lots and lots of shots to choose from. I thought the interesting shot of the Beluga I got flying over school would be the winner, but if I'm to document this day I'd like to remember it as the day Laura got her first job in Britain! Yep, after being shortlisted from 250 applicants (yikes!) she was selected today and will be shortly starting work as a Biomedical Scientist. Yey! :D |