Keywords: Ptolemy.1467.southern.Scotland.jpg Book Jacob d'Angelo after Claudius Ptolemaeus 1467 Reichenbach Monastery Latin Cosmographia Claudii Ptolomaei Alexandrini Artwork en Map of central Scotland enlargement of a sub area of the source ink color parchment cm 42 28 8 Warsaw Institution National Library Warsaw en Dedicated to Pope Paul II Object history ProvenanceEvent 1573 transfer Chancellor Jan Zamoyski purchased in Paris ProvenanceEvent 1818 transfer Library of the Zamoyski Estate ProvenanceEvent 1946 transfer National Library in Warsaw http //www polona pl/dlibra/doccontent2 id 61 dirids 1 www polona pl Rps BOZ 2/I-II 1467 Nicolaus Germanus Copyright expired PD-Art Other versions Image Ptolemy Cosmographia 1467 - Great Britain and Ireland jpg PD-old-100-1923 Cosmographia Claudii Ptolomaei Alexandrini Ptolemaic Scotland part of Albion Old maps of Scotland 1467 1467 maps |