Keywords: Raiz contractil coleorriza.svg Fig 8 A-K Collar and root formation in monocotyledonous seedlings A-C Galtonia candicans A Seedling with fully developed cotyledon the furrowed surface of the primary root indicating root contraction B Cotyledon base detail of A C Same at a somewhat later stage the first shoot born root piercing its coleorhiza Tillich in Kubitzki ed 1998 The families and genera of vascular plants Vol 03 fig 8 p 7 1998 Tillich in Kubitzki ed 1998 SVG and Spanish labels by User RoRo Data traced on a scientific drawing that was taken from the primary scientific literature from a primary source not in the scope of copyright laws PD-ineligible Equivalent to cc-0 Monocots Cotyledon - botanical illustrations Galtonia candicans |