Keywords: Relativedoseratesnormalisedforday10000.png Calculated relative gamma dose rates due to bomb and chernobyl fallout normalised for a given cesium-137 level which is in effect the dose rate at day 10000 en wikipedia Armando-Martin CommonsHelper 2006-09-02 Cadmium wikipedia en graph Cadmium Original upload log page en wikipedia Relativedoseratesnormalisedforday10000 png 2006-09-02 13 26 Cadmium 979×598× 8145 bytes <nowiki>Calculated relative gamma dose rates due to bomb and chernobyl fallout normalised for a given cesium-137 level which is in effect the dose rate at day 10000</nowiki> Nuclear fallout Chernobyl disaster Radioactivity in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone |