Keywords: Robert F. Stockton - Brady-Handy.jpg is incorrect Robert Field Stockton Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Brady-Handy Photograph Collection http //hdl loc gov/loc pnp/cwpbh 00067 CALL NUMBER LC-BH83- 82 <P P>P P between 1860 1866 Creator Mathew Brady PD John Potter Stockton 20 August 1795 7 October 1866 Stockton was from a notable political family and also served as a U S Senator from New Jersey John Potter Stockton 20 aoĂ»t 1795 “7 octobre 1866 Il est nĂ© Ă Princeton dans le New Jersey au sein d'une famille connue en politique son père Richard Stockton Ă©tait un sĂ©nateur et dĂ©putĂ© amĂ©ricain et son grand-père un autre Richard Stockton avait signĂ© la Declaration d'indĂ©pendance This summary was created using Commons SumItUp PD-old-100 LOC-image cwpbh 00067 DEFAULTSORT Stockton John Photographs by Mathew Brady John Potter Stockton Black and white photographic portraits of men |