Keywords: Roundel of the Ukrainian Naval Aviation.svg 60 border 1 cellpadding 2 cellspacing 0 style background f9f9f9; border 1px solid aaaaaa; border-collapse collapse; white-space nowrap; text-align left text-align center; background eee Scheme style background 005BBB;color white Strong azure style background FFD700 Yellow - Pantone Pantone Coated 2935 C Pantone Coated Yellow 012 C - RAL 5019 Capri blue 1023 Traffic yellow - RGB color model 0 91 187 255 213 0 - CMYK 100 47 0 0 0 4 100 0 - HEX 0057b8 ffd700 - Websafe 0066cc ffcc00 Roundel of the Ukrainian Naval Aviation http //www airliners net/photo/Ukraine---Navy/Mil-Mi-14PLM/1903336/L/ sid 5d84abbcf01d07cc691d9468becea073 Ukrainian Mi-14<br>State Flag of Ukraine DSTU 4512 2006 pg 7 2008-05-09 F l a n k e r insignia Ukr Naval Aviation roundels Ukraine Roundels of Ukraine 2 Navy of Ukraine Anchors in heraldry Black blue yellow roundels |