Keywords: Saarland NK.svg Lage des Landkreises Neunkirchen im Saarland Deutschland Landkreis Neunkirchen in Saarland Germany Adobe Illustrator own based on File Germany location map svg NordNordWest File Saarland location map svg Lantus File Locator map MZG in Saarland svg TUBS File Saarland karte neu png Roger Zenner 2009-08-22 Hagar66 based on work of TUBS <gallery> file Municipalities in Saarland svg </gallery> TUBS GFDL cc-by-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 cc-by-sa-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 TUBS/Credits Locator maps of districts in Saarland grey scheme |