Keywords: firewood saw john leonard johnleonard willis amstutz willisamstutz mennonite board of missions mennonite mission network athabasca alberta voluntary service mennoniteboardofmissionsmennonitemissionnetworkathabascaalbertavoluntaryservice outdoor Caption: 1961. Calling Lake, Alberta. John Leonard, Lewistown, Pennsylvania, Willis Amstutz, Orville, Ohio, sawing wood. This is one job which keeps the boys busy until they have enough wood sawed for our 5 stoves. Citation: Mennonite Board of Missions. Photographs. Athabasca, Alberta Voluntary Service. 1962-1966. IV-10-7.2 Box 1 Folder 7 Photo JJ. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. Caption: 1961. Calling Lake, Alberta. John Leonard, Lewistown, Pennsylvania, Willis Amstutz, Orville, Ohio, sawing wood. This is one job which keeps the boys busy until they have enough wood sawed for our 5 stoves. Citation: Mennonite Board of Missions. Photographs. Athabasca, Alberta Voluntary Service. 1962-1966. IV-10-7.2 Box 1 Folder 7 Photo JJ. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. |