Keywords: Scalloping and noise floor comparisons (2 window functions).png en Comparison of two window functions in terms of their effects on equal-strength sinusoids with additive noise The noise floor is smoothed by averaging many DFTs to reveal the substantial difference in levels caused by the different window functions The sinusoid at bin -20 suffers no scalloping and the one at bin +20 5 exhibits worst-case scalloping The rectangular window produces the most scalloping but also narrower peaks and lower noise-floor A third sinusoid with amplitude -16 dB would be noticeable in the upper spectrum but not in the lower spectrum 2011-12-19 I created this image myself using Matlab tools and JASC Paintshop Pro to create the png file Bob K See also This figure was superceded by File Processing losses for 3 window functions gif Matlab commands <source lang Matlab > N 256; sams_per_fft; window1 rectwin N '/sum rectwin N ; window2 blackmanharris N '/sum blackmanharris N ; Fs N; sams_per_sec; HzPerBin Fs/N; F1 -20 0 HzPerBin; bin -20 F2 +20 5 HzPerBin; bin 20 5 L 100000; n 1 L; x exp j 2 pi F1/Fs n + exp j 2 pi F2/Fs n ; x x + randn 1 L +j randn 1 L 1 4; sams_per_offset 0 75 N; overlap 25 number of samples available beyond just one FFT excess_sams length x - N; j1 floor excess_sams / sams_per_offset ; sams_per_offset floor excess_sams / j1 ; num_ffts 1 + j1; define the first block of data samples 1 N; amplitude1 zeros 1 N ; amplitude2 zeros 1 N ; Loop over all the available blocks for j1 1 num_ffts amplitude1 amplitude1 + abs fft x samples window1 ; amplitude2 amplitude2 + abs fft x samples window2 ; samples samples + sams_per_offset; end warning off MATLAB log logOfZero amplitude1 20 log10 fftshift amplitude1/num_ffts ; amplitude2 20 log10 fftshift amplitude2/num_ffts ; abscissa -40 40; figure subplot 2 1 1 ; h area abscissa amplitude1 abscissa +N/2+1 'FaceColor' 871 49 0 'Linestyle' 'none' set h 'BaseValue' -20 xlim -40 40 ylim -20 2 set gca 'XTick' -20 0 20 5 set gca 'YGrid' 'on' xlabel 'DFT bins' ylabel 'decibels' title 'Rectangular windowing' ; subplot 2 1 2 ; h area abscissa amplitude2 abscissa +N/2+1 'FaceColor' 871 49 0 'Linestyle' 'none' set h 'BaseValue' -20 xlim -40 40 ylim -20 2 set gca 'XTick' -20 0 20 5 set gca 'YGrid' 'on' xlabel 'DFT bins' ylabel 'decibels' title 'Blackman-Harris windowing' ; </source> cc-zero Uploaded with UploadWizard Signal processing Fourier analysis |