Keywords: school building adolf loeffler adolfloeffler eileen loeffler eileenloeffler mennonite board of missions mennonite mission network alberta voluntary service imperial mills mennoniteboardofmissionsmennonitemissionnetworkalbertavoluntaryserviceimperialmills outdoor photo border Caption: 1963. Imperial Mills, Alberta. Adolf and Eileen Loeffler outside of the unfinished school building. Citation: Mennonite Board of Missions. Photographs. Imperial Mills, Alberta Voluntary Service. 1963. IV-10-7.2 Box 1 Folders 18 Photo 3. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. Caption: 1963. Imperial Mills, Alberta. Adolf and Eileen Loeffler outside of the unfinished school building. Citation: Mennonite Board of Missions. Photographs. Imperial Mills, Alberta Voluntary Service. 1963. IV-10-7.2 Box 1 Folders 18 Photo 3. Mennonite Church USA Archives - Goshen. Goshen, Indiana. |