Keywords: Siemiginowski Allegory of Spring.jpg Artwork Creator Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter s 1680 oil canvas cm 518 429 Institution Wilanów Palace Museum accession number object history credit line Plafond ceiling paining in the Queen's Bedroom Wojciech Fijałkowski 1983 Wilanów Rezydencja Króla Zwycięzcy Wilanów The residence of the Victorious King Warsaw Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza p 67 http //www wilanow-palac pl/wiosna_1 html www wilanow-palac pl Muzeum Pałac w Wilanowie 2005 Kolekcja wilanowska ISBN 83-91512-61-4 See below PD-old-100 DEFAULTSORT 1680s; Allegory of Spring Paintings by Jerzy Siemiginowski-Eleuter in the Wilanów Palace Plafonds in the Wilanów Palace Queen's Bedroom in the Wilanów Palace Paintings of allegories of spring Baroque paintings in Poland 1680s paintings from Poland Paintings of Flora dea Paintings of angels in Poland 17th-century allegorical paintings 1680s paintings in Poland 17th-century paintings of angels with humans Paintings of flowers ImageNote 1 276 129 505 510 1117 1357 2 Roman goddess of flowers and spring Flora is a personification of Queen Marie Casimire Sobieska ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 859 392 138 129 1117 1357 2 Boreas - north wind and bringer of cold winter air ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 4 632 970 231 181 1117 1357 2 Narcissus gazing at his own reflection ImageNoteEnd 4 ImageNote 5 9 874 215 143 1117 1357 2 Adonis whose blood was transformed into Anemone flower by Venus and Hyacinth whose blood was also transformed into a flower by Apollo ImageNoteEnd 5 ImageNote 6 18 1015 326 299 1117 1357 2 Krokus and Smilax who were turned by the gods into plants - the crocus saffron and bindweed ImageNoteEnd 6 ImageNote 7 381 1072 97 122 1117 1357 2 Clytie was an Oceanid turned into a sunflower ImageNoteEnd 7 ImageNote 8 369 865 222 206 1117 1357 2 Ajax turned into a gillyflower ImageNoteEnd 8 Putti |