Keywords: Small-angle approximation for sine function.svg small-angle approximation of the sine function 2016-08-11 own http //kulla me Stephan Kulla User Stephan Kulla other versions <gallery> File Small-angle approximation for sine function only sine function svg Diagram with only the sine function </gallery> other fields Matplotlib + import matplotlib pyplot as plt import numpy as np from mpl_toolkits axes_grid1 inset_locator import zoomed_inset_axes mark_inset xs np linspace -7 7 10001 sin_ys np sin xs f ax plt subplots ax plot xs sin_ys label \\sin x ax plot xs xs label f x x ax set_xlim -7 7 ax set_ylim -1 6 1 6 ax legend loc 2 axins zoomed_inset_axes ax 3 1 loc 4 axins plot xs sin_ys axins plot xs xs axins set_xlim -0 6 0 6 axins set_ylim -0 5 0 5 mark_inset ax axins loc1 3 loc2 2 fc 0 95 ec 0 7 plt xticks visible False plt yticks visible False plt savefig Small-angle approximation for sine function svg cc-zero Sine function Taylor series |