Keywords: Spectral leakage from two 8-point Gaussian windows.png en Comparing the discrete-time Fourier transforms of symmetric and periodic windows The Gaussian form σ 0 4 was chosen for its non-zero end-points one of which is discarded in the periodic version 2016-04-13 own Bob K other versions Octave script <source lang Matlab > graphics_toolkit gnuplot pkg load signal N 8; symmetric exp - 5 0 7 - N-1 /2 / 4 N-1 /2 2 ; 8-point Gaussian window periodic exp - 5 0 7 -N/2 / 4 N/2 2 ; 8-points of a 9-point window L 64 N; dr 60; H abs fft symmetric zeros 1 L-N ; H fftshift H ; H H/max H ; H 20 log10 H ; H max -dr H ; x N -L/2 L/2-1/L; figure plot x H 'color' 'blue' 'linewidth' 2 hold on ylim -dr 0 H abs fft periodic zeros 1 L-N ; H fftshift H ; H H/max H ; H 20 log10 H ; H max -dr H ; plot x H 'color' 'red' 'linewidth' 2 ; set gca 'XTick' -N/2 N/2-1 grid on ylabel 'decibels' xlabel 'DFT bins' text 2 2 -23 '\leftarrow Symmetric' 'color' 'blue' 'FontSize' 14 text 50 -26 'Periodic \rightarrow' 'color' 'red' 'FontSize' 14 title ' Spectral leakage from two 8-point Gaussian windows' 'FontSize' 14 </source> cc-zero Digital signal processing |