MAKE A MEME View Large Image ...Qld 1 137127 Panoramic view of Townsville and surrounds, ca. 1870.jpg en Panoramic view of Townsville and surrounds ca 1870 <br /> The Richard Daintree collection held in the John Oxley Library has many unidentified images If you are able ...
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Keywords: StateLibQld 1 137127 Panoramic view of Townsville and surrounds, ca. 1870.jpg en Panoramic view of Townsville and surrounds ca 1870 <br /> The Richard Daintree collection held in the John Oxley Library has many unidentified images If you are able to assist with identification please click on the Feedback tab Richard Daintree geologist and photographer was born in 1832 in Huntingdonshire England He matriculated at Christ's College Cambridge in 1851 and in 1852 joined the gold rush to Victoria Unsuccessful as a prospector he became assistant geologist in the Victorian Geological Survey until 1856 On a visit to England he became interested in photography and when he rejoined the Geological Survey in 1859 he pioneered the use of photography in field-work In 1864 he became a resident partner with William Hann in pastoral properties in the Burdekin country of North Queensland There he was able to indulge his passions for both photography and prospecting When the pastoral boom collapsed he used his knowledge to open up goldfields at Cape River 1867 Gilbert 1869 and Etheridge in 1869-70 Daintree advocated a geological survey of Queensland and when it began in 1868 he was geologist in charge of the northern division until 1870 In that year he made some of his finest photographic studies In 1871 his collection of photographs and geological specimens formed the mainstray of Queensland's contribution to the Exhibition of Art and Industry in London He was sent to England as commissioner in charge of this display although much of it was lost when the ship carrying Daintree and his family was wrecked In London he was appointed Queensland's agent-general in 1872 Due to ill health Daintree resigned in 1876 and died in Kent on the 20th June 1878 His photographs taken under difficult conditions by the cumbersome wet-plate process are superb specimens of the art and present a vivid picture of early settlement in Queensland In this image two men regard the township of Townsville from Melton Hill overlooking the Strand and the mouth of Ross Creek The buildings streets coast mudflats and headland are featured in this panoramic view circa 1870 handle 10462/deriv/9878 Item is held by John Oxley Library State Library of Queensland Daintree Richard 1832-1878 PD-Australia StateLibQld-License Panoramics of Townsville Ross River Headlands of Australia 1870 in Queensland 19th-century photographs of Queensland Mudflats in Australia Melton Hill Townsville
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