MAKE A MEME View Large Image The Adoration of the Magi (Matthias Stom) - Nationalmuseum - 18796.tif Artwork Creator Matthias Stom The Adoration of the Magi As recounted in the Gospel of Matthew the three kings journeyed from the east following a star to seek out the ...
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Keywords: The Adoration of the Magi (Matthias Stom) - Nationalmuseum - 18796.tif Artwork Creator Matthias Stom The Adoration of the Magi As recounted in the Gospel of Matthew the three kings journeyed from the east following a star to seek out the king of the Jews at Bethlehem Representing different ages races and continents “ Europe Africa and Asia “ their homage to Christ symbolises the submission of the temporal powers to the authority of the Church Their gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh were interpreted as symbols of the kingship of Jesus his priestly ministry and his incarnation as a man The painting gives visual expression to the idea that the New Law was founded on the ruins of the Old the space that accommodates the Holy Family and the retinue of the Magi is littered with the broken columns of an ancient temple A surprisingly bright natural light illuminates the massive figures modelled by sharp contrasts of light and shade The magnificent spectacle of the Magi and their retinue their brocade and silk garments rendered with exquisite attention to texture is tempered by a desire for narrative clarity By contrast with the realism of the male figures ™ physiognomies a more idealised mode was chosen for the portrayal of Jesus and Mary I Matteusevangeliet berĂ€ttas att de tre konungarna fĂ€rdades österifrĂ„n och följde en stjĂ€rna som ledde dem till judarnas konung i Betlehem De tre representerar olika Ă„ldrar folkslag och kontinenter “ Europa Afrika och Asien “ och deras hyllning till Jesus symboliserar den vĂ€rldsliga makten underkastelse inför kyrkans auktoritet GĂ„vorna i form av guld rökelse och myrra tolkades som symboler för Kristi kungavĂ€rdighet prĂ€stĂ€mbete och mĂ€nniskoblivande MĂ„lningen Ă„skĂ„dliggör tanken att det nya testamentet vilar pĂ„ fundamentet av det gamla pĂ„ platsen dĂ€r den heliga familjen tar emot de tre konungarna ligger de sönderbrutna pelarna frĂ„n ett antikt tempel Ett starkt dagsljus lyser upp de stadiga figurerna som modelleras fram genom knivskarpa kontraster mellan skuggor och dagrar Det praktfulla skĂ„despelet med konungarna vars klĂ€dsel av sidenbrokad Ă„terges med en utsökt kĂ€nsla för olika stoffer kombineras med konstnĂ€rens strĂ€van efter tydlighet i berĂ€ttelsen Realismen i gestaltningen av de manliga figurerna kontrasterar mot Jesusbarnets och Marias mer idealiserade former header As recounted in the Gospel of Matthew the three kings journeyed from the east following a star to seek out the king of the Jews at Bethlehem Representing different ages races and continents “ Europe Africa and Asia “ their homage to Christ symbolises the submission of the temporal powers to the authority of the Church Their gifts of gold frankincense and myrrh were interpreted as symbols of the kingship of Jesus his priestly ministry and his incarnation as a man The painting gives visual expression to the idea that the New Law was founded on the ruins of the Old the space that accommodates the Holy Family and the retinue of the Magi is littered with the broken columns of an ancient temple A surprisingly bright natural light illuminates the massive figures modelled by sharp contrasts of light and shade The magnificent spectacle of the Magi and their retinue their brocade and silk garments rendered with exquisite attention to texture is tempered by a desire for narrative clarity By contrast with the realism of the male figures ™ physiognomies a more idealised mode was chosen for the portrayal of Jesus and Mary I Matteusevangeliet berĂ€ttas att de tre konungarna fĂ€rdades österifrĂ„n och följde en stjĂ€rna som ledde dem till judarnas konung i Betlehem De tre representerar olika Ă„ldrar folkslag och kontinenter “ Europa Afrika och Asien “ och deras hyllning till Jesus symboliserar den vĂ€rldsliga makten underkastelse inför kyrkans auktoritet GĂ„vorna i form av guld rökelse och myrra tolkades som symboler för Kristi kungavĂ€rdighet prĂ€stĂ€mbete och mĂ€nniskoblivande MĂ„lningen Ă„skĂ„dliggör tanken att det nya testamentet vilar pĂ„ fundamentet av det gamla pĂ„ platsen dĂ€r den heliga familjen tar emot de tre konungarna ligger de sönderbrutna pelarna frĂ„n ett antikt tempel Ett starkt dagsljus lyser upp de stadiga figurerna som modelleras fram genom knivskarpa kontraster mellan skuggor och dagrar Det praktfulla skĂ„despelet med konungarna vars klĂ€dsel av sidenbrokad Ă„terges med en utsökt kĂ€nsla för olika stoffer kombineras med konstnĂ€rens strĂ€van efter tydlighet i berĂ€ttelsen Realismen i gestaltningen av de manliga figurerna kontrasterar mot Jesusbarnets och Marias mer idealiserade former early other date decade 1630 Oil on canvas Olja pĂ„ duk Size cm 172 175 Institution Nationalmuseum Stockholm accession number 18796 NM 1792 place of creation Erik Cornelius / Nationalmuseum credit line Nationalmuseum Stockholm cooperation project Licensed-PD-Art PD-old-auto PD-Nationalmuseum_Stockholm Media contributed by Nationalmuseum Stockholm 2016-10 Paintings in the Nationalmuseum Stockholm Matthias Stom
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