Keywords: The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London (12894903095).jpg 200 <br> PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Mar 9 <br> New Mexico over large spaces ; also in Texas and Tennessee and <br> over great tracts in the valley of the Missouri ; thus indicating <br> several extensive blanks <br> The Craie tuffeau in Westphalia covers Carboniferous schists <br> and limestone f and we have the same in the Don country of South <br> Russia At Harwich J Kentish Town § and Calais deep borings <br> after having passed through the Cretaceous series have struck at <br> once into rocks apparently Palaeozoic and which at Calais are true <br> Coal-measures Near Seu d'Urgel on the River Segra N Spain M <br> Noblemaire met with Cretaceous rocks resting on Upper Silurian ; <br> and M Delia Marmora describes them as reposing on Lower Silurian <br> in Sardinia Parts of Scania in Sweden exhibit the same kind of <br> facts At and about Segovia at Cerada and Lozoya Spain beds <br> of this formation rest upon ancient schists and granite ; we find <br> them also upon the latter extensively in Saxony in Sweden ft <br> in Southern India i and Hippurite limestone at Tavolara and <br> elsewhere in South-west Sardinia §§ <br> Fig 5 � Section in the Sierra de Guadarrama south of Cabanillas <br> showing Chalk resting on Granite of unknown age after MM de <br> Yerneuil and Collomb <br> S N <br> Sierra de <br> El Molar Atalaya Cabanillas Guadarrama <br> a Granite <br> b Chalk <br> c Diluvium <br> In these twenty-eight instances of blanks which were taken <br> nearly as they came the Cretaceous beds are found in contact with <br> the following rocks once sea-bottoms They lie on Jurassic six <br> times Lias once Trias four times Carboniferous Limestone or <br> schist seven times on Silurian twice and on old granite gneiss <br> and mica- slate eight times <br> Why the Chalk is not recorded as lying directly on Permian Devo- <br> nian fcc I cannot tell ; perhaps for want of a more extensive search <br> b Upper Greensand � Neocomian Gault and Lower Greensand <br> are missing in Prance on the west side of the Anglo-Parisian <br> ' James Hall ' Boundary Report of Mexico ' vol i p 117 <br> t D'Archiac ' Histoire des Progres ' vol v p 224 <br> I Austen Quart Journ Geol Soc vol xii p 41 <br> § Prestwich ibid vol xii p 6 vol xiv p 249 <br> Annales des Mines 5 e serie vol xiv p 52 <br> Voyage en Sardaigne vol i p 414 <br> D'Archiac 'Histoire des Progres ' vol v p 49 <br> tt Ibid p 251 <br> J Blanford ' Palaeontologia Indica ' vol i p v <br> §§ Delia Marmora 'Voyage en Sardaigne ' Part 3 vol ii p 24 36089449 111261 51125 Page 206 Text v 20 http //www biodiversitylibrary org/page/36089449 1864 Geological Society of London NameFound Atalaya NameConfirmed Atalaya EOLID 5629706 NameBankID 1839678 NameFound Devo NameConfirmed Devo EOLID 4254131 NameBankID 4625395 NameFound Indica NameConfirmed Indica NameBankID 4432528 Biodiversity Heritage Library The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London v 20 1864 Geology Periodicals Smithsonian Libraries bhl page 36089449 dc identifier http //biodiversitylibrary org/page/36089449 smithsonian libraries Information field Flickr posted date ISOdate 2014-03-03 Check categories 2015 August 26 CC-BY-2 0 BioDivLibrary https //flickr com/photos/61021753 N02/12894903095 2015-08-26 16 53 08 cc-by-2 0 PD-old-70-1923 The Quarterly journal of the Geological Society of London 1864 Photos uploaded from Flickr by Fæ using a script |