Keywords: TuberousSclerosis-Kothe.jpg A patient with tuberous sclerosis in Munich 1903 from Kothe R 1903 Zur Lehre der Talgdrüsengeschwülste Arch Dermatol Syph 68 273-278 http //www tsdev de/92001/Uploaded/hhehn 7Cgeschichte_der_tsc2005 pdf Zur Geschichte der Tuberösen Sklerose by Hans-Dieter Rott Karin Mayer Birgit Walther and Ralf Wienecke March 2005 Tuberöse Sklerose Deutschland e V 1903 From a journal article by Richard Kothe but the artist isn't known for sure Copyright expired as artist probably died more than 70 years ago In addition is was published outside the US prior to 1909 making it public domain in the US History of medicine Tuberous sclerosis PD-Art |