Keywords: U Thant and family 1957.PNG en U Thant and his family July 1957 before leaving for New York L-R Tin Maung U Thant Daw Aye Tin Aye Aye 1957 http //archive org/stream/uthantsearchforp00bing U Thant The Search for Peace author Custom license marker 2012 04 23 PD-Myanmar Uploaded with UploadWizard U Thant ImageNote 1 82 61 123 143 891 896 2 Tin Maung Thant ImageNoteEnd 1 ImageNote 2 260 40 140 152 891 896 2 U Thant ImageNoteEnd 2 ImageNote 3 654 78 149 153 891 896 2 Aye Aye Thant ImageNoteEnd 3 ImageNote 4 482 88 132 151 891 896 2 Aye Tin ImageNoteEnd 4 |