Keywords: USS George H.W. Bush 120816-N-MU440-145.jpg en USS George H W Bush Commanding Officer Capt Brian E Luther left his sons and Command Master Chief David Colton prepare to sing Take Me Out to the Ball Game at the Norfolk Tides baseball game More than 1 000 George H W Bush sailors and their families attended the game as part of the ship's command picnic George H W Bush is undergoing a planned incremental availability at Norfolk Naval Shipyard to refurbish shipboard systems and conduct maintenance 2012-08-16 CVN 77 https //www dvidshub net/image/747159 120816-N-MU440-145 2012-10-19 06 00 USS GEORGE H W BUSH CVN 77 VA US PD-USGov-Military-Navy USS George H W Bush CVN-77 Images from DoD uploaded by Fæ |