Keywords: Vandal alan kingdom 526.png en Kingdom of the Vandals and Alans 526 AD own PANONIAN 2011 File Vandal alan kingdom 526-el png Ελληνικά References Main references historical maps of Europe and north Africa 526 AD http //www studenthandouts com/photo_gallery/Maps/Map_Europe_526_CE_Germanic_Migrations jpg http //www emersonkent com/images/germanic_roman_526 jpg http //rbedrosian com/Maps/muhamm6b jpg http //www globalsecurity org/military/world/europe/images/byz-map-526 jpg Secondary references about name of the Kingdom http //books google com/books id tOnQDfRU-poC pg PA170 dq 22kingdom+of+the+vandals+and+alans 22 hl sr ei HtuUTY6HHI3IswaAxvm0CA sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 5 ved 0CDwQ6AEwBA v onepage q 22kingdom 20of 20the 20vandals 20and 20alans 22 f false Herwig Wolfram The Roman Empire and its Germanic peoples University of California Press 1997 page 170 http //books google com/books id SXER_fLym9kC pg PA58 dq 22kingdom+of+the+vandals+and+alans 22 hl sr ei HtuUTY6HHI3IswaAxvm0CA sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 7 ved 0CEYQ6AEwBg v onepage q 22kingdom 20of 20the 20vandals 20and 20alans 22 f false Bernard S Bachrach A history of the Alans in the West from their first appearance in the sources of classical antiquity through the early Middle Ages Minnesota Press 1973 page 58 http //books google com/books id tGLN47tfT4UC pg PA69 dq 22kingdom+of+the+vandals+and+alans 22 hl sr ei AdyUTanfGcnJsgaV8LXICA sa X oi book_result ct result resnum 9 ved 0CFMQ6AEwCDgU v onepage q 22kingdom 20of 20the 20vandals 20and 20alans 22 f false Stephen Williams Gerard Friell John Gerard Paul Friell The Rome that did not fall the survival of the East in the fifth century Routledge 1999 page 69 Secondary references about locations of some important cities The Times History of Europe Times Books London 2002 Dragan Brujić Vodič kroz svet Vizantije Beograd 2004 Maps of the Vandals Maps of the Alan migrations Maps of the history of Algeria Maps of the history of Libya Maps of the history of Spain Maps of the history of Italy Maps of the history of France |