Keywords: Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Wörlitzer Winkel in WB.svg Lage der Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Wörlitzer Winkel Landkreis Wittenberg Sachsen-Anhalt Deutschland Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Wörlitzer Winkel in District of Wittenberg Saxony-Anhalt Germany Adobe Illustrator own based on File Germany location map svg NordNordWest File Saxony-Anhalt location map svg TUBS http //www bik-gmbh de/texte/Karte_SachsenAnhalt_31 12 2006 pdf bik GmbH http //www landkreis-wittenberg de/staticsite/staticsite php menuid 4 topmenu 2 keepmenu inactive Landkreis Wittenberg 2009-08-01 Hagar66 based on work of TUBS <gallery> file Municipalities in WB svg </gallery> TUBS GFDL cc-by-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 cc-by-sa-3 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 TUBS/Credits Locator maps of former municipalities in Landkreis Wittenberg |