Keywords: Victoria Crater 3D 04.png anaglyph This anaglyph was made using the Mars Rover Opportunity Navcam raw images taken at the rim of Victoria Crater on Sol 952 available at http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov It was created by J Bergquist using Mathcad 11 The NASA/JPL versions of these images are at http //photojournal jpl nasa gov/jpeg/PIA08784 jpg http //photojournal jpl nasa gov and http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov/gallery/press/opportunity/20060928a/site_B76_275_navcam_CYP_A-B953R1 jpg http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov Note that there seems to have been some losses in the conversion to a panoramic anaglyph Transferred from http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia 2006-09-30 Original uploader was Jbergquist at http //en wikipedia org en wikipedia PD-RETOUCHED-USER jbergquist original upload log page en wikipedia Victoria_Crater_3D_04 png 2006-09-30 22 50 Jbergquist 962×1019×8 1441684 bytes <nowiki>This anaglyph was made using the Mars Rover Opportunity Navcam raw images taken at the rim of Victoria Crater on Sol 952 available at http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov http //marsrovers jpl nasa gov It was created by J Bergquist using Mathcad 11 The N</nowiki> Victoria crater Mars 3D landscape |