Keywords: vpb-106 vpb106 patrol squadron 106 patrolsquadron106 world war two worldwartwo consolidated pb4y privateer consolidatedpb4yprivateer iwo jima iwojima third marine division thirdmarinedivision third marine division cemetery thirdmarinedivisioncemetery 3rd marine division 3rdmarinedivision 3rd marine division cemetery 3rdmarinedivisioncemetery military cemetery militarycemetery aerial photography aerialphotography aerial photograph aerialphotograph aerial photo aerialphoto outdoor texture VPB-106 Special Collection Photo From the Album of Manfred Herbert Mueller The San Diego Air and Space Museum houses a large Special Collection from Patrol Squadron 106. VPB-106 flew PB4Ys and saw heavy combat in the South Pacific during the Second World War. The Museum houses many records from the VPB-106 including Squadron musters, reunion abums, VHS Tapes, Action Reports, memoirs, combat diaries, misc documents. COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive VPB-106 Special Collection Photo From the Album of Manfred Herbert Mueller The San Diego Air and Space Museum houses a large Special Collection from Patrol Squadron 106. VPB-106 flew PB4Ys and saw heavy combat in the South Pacific during the Second World War. The Museum houses many records from the VPB-106 including Squadron musters, reunion abums, VHS Tapes, Action Reports, memoirs, combat diaries, misc documents. COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |