Keywords: vpb-106 vpb106 patrol squadron 106 patrolsquadron106 world war two worldwartwo consolidated pb4y privateer consolidatedpb4yprivateer submarine boat warship us navy usnavy usn united states navy unitedstatesnavy ss-197 ss197 uss seawolf (ss-197) ussseawolfss197 uss seawolf ussseawolf sargo-class sargoclass sunk in 1945 sunkin1945 sunk sunk by friendly fire sunkbyfriendlyfire outdoor VPB-106 Special Collection Photo The San Diego Air and Space Museum houses a large Special Collection from Patrol Squadron 106. VPB-106 flew PB4Ys and saw heavy combat in the South Pacific during the Second World War. The Museum houses many records from the VPB-106 including Squadron musters, reunion abums, VHS Tapes, Action Reports, memoirs, combat diaries, misc documents. COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive VPB-106 Special Collection Photo The San Diego Air and Space Museum houses a large Special Collection from Patrol Squadron 106. VPB-106 flew PB4Ys and saw heavy combat in the South Pacific during the Second World War. The Museum houses many records from the VPB-106 including Squadron musters, reunion abums, VHS Tapes, Action Reports, memoirs, combat diaries, misc documents. COMMONS.SOURCE INSTITUTION: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive |