Keywords: Wild Turkey Real Kentucky.jpg This is entirely my own work <br> It a photo of a bottle of Bourbon from my own whiskey Collection <br> I took the photo on 01/18/11 and uploaded on 02/08/11 <br> It was taken with the sole intention of posting on wikipedia for education purposes only and for no capital gain <br> It is available for FREE USE to anyone Craiglduncan talk 00 40 8 February 2011 UTC en wikipedia 2011-02-08 Craiglduncan wikipedia en Craiglduncan wikipedia en Cc-zero Original upload log en wikipedia Wild+Turkey+Real+Kentucky jpg wikitable - 2011-02-08 00 40 1709×3181× 966977 bytes Craiglduncan This is entirely my own work <br> It a photo of a bottle of Bourbon from my own whiskey Collection <br> I took the photo on 01/18/11 and uploaded on 02/08/11 <br> It was taken with the sole intention of posting on wikipedia for education purposes only a Uncategorized 2016 May 6 |