Keywords: Wouwerman, Philips - Two Horsemen near a Fountain - Google Art Project.jpg - 1650 52 1619 1619 1668 1668 Philips 542085 Wouwerman 1619 - 1668 /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/two-horsemen-near-a-fountain-wouwerman-philips/571257/ Wouwerman Philips Artist /artist/philips-wouwerman/4130333/ 4130333 /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/ Dulwich Picture Gallery 363171 http //www dulwichpicturegallery org uk/ 12/28/2011 11 55 19 PM /collection/dulwich-picture-gallery/artwork/two-horsemen-near-a-fountain-wouwerman-philips/571257/ 1650 1650-52 Dutch Oil Panel London Noel Desenfans 1795- 1807 London Skinner and Dyke Desenfans sale 27 Feb 1795 lot 39; London Sir Francis Bourgeois 1807-1811; Bourgeois Bequest 1811 441 571257 False 1652 3/24/2012 4 26 24 AM 79 Painting 1650 1660 w613 x h441 cm 1650-52 False 1 3800539083558 Object two-horsemen-near-a-fountain-wouwerman-philips Two Horsemen near a Fountain t 613 Bourgeois Sir Peter Francis Bequest 1811 PHLW Oil London Noel Desenfans 1795- 1807 London Skinner and Dyke Desenfans sale 27 Feb 1795 lot 39; London Sir Francis Bourgeois 1807-1811; Bourgeois Bequest 1811 Panel Dutch special url_id ZAFFcYVUDR3zxg PD-old-100-1923 1668 Google Art Project works by Philips Wouwerman Google Art Project Uncategorized 2015 May 20 |