Free Images: "bestof:Long staff bar lines and nubers.svg Own date Hasse JH Bars music"
SLNSW 13194 Women volunteer workers doing up clothing parcels at the ACF rooms taken for Australian Comforts Fund.jpg
Long staff bar lines and nubers.svg
Long staff notes.svg
Long staff a system.svg
Long staff notes fix 1.svg
SLNSW 12683 French curves of the saloon bar the Century Hotel taken for Building Publishing Co.jpg
Long staff empty.svg
Long staff bracket and brace.svg
SLNSW 12189 Penfolds Wines display in a wine saloon.jpg
SLNSW 12174 Penfolds Wines display in an old fashioned saloon.jpg
SLNSW 12213 Penfolds Wines display in Fred Dineens Kings Cross wine saloon.jpg
SLNSW 12175 Penfolds Wines display in interior of saloon.jpg
SLNSW 12217 Penfolds Wines display in saloon.jpg
SLNSW 15792 Adelaide Boys Band arriving at Central Railway.jpg
SLNSW 15798 Adelaide Boys Band arriving at Central Railway.jpg
SLNSW 15788 Adelaide Boys Band arriving in Sydney.jpg
SLNSW 15780 Adelaide Boys Band arriving in Sydney.jpg
SLNSW 15783 Adelaide Boys Band arriving in Sydney.jpg
SLNSW 15751 Adelaide Boys Band at Government House.jpg
SLNSW 15736 Adelaide Boys Band at Government House.jpg
SLNSW 15747 Adelaide Boys Band at Government House.jpg
SLNSW 15766 Adelaide Boys Band at Koala Park.jpg
SLNSW 15764 Adelaide Boys Band at Koala Park.jpg
SLNSW 15757 Adelaide Boys Band at Koala Park.jpg
SLNSW 15793 Adelaide Boys Band at Sydney Town Hall.jpg
SLNSW 10792 AmeriCanadian Band at the Tivoli.jpg
SLNSW 10794 AmeriCanadian Band at the Tivoli.jpg
SLNSW 32497 Bar Beach Merewether Beach.jpg
SLNSW 32501 Bar Beach Merewether Beach.jpg
SLNSW 32503 Bar Beach Merewether Beach.jpg
SLNSW 32483 Cleaning street lamps by Nesca Bar Beach adjustable platform on truck.jpg
SLNSW 42908 Clearing the bar at the high jump.jpg
SLNSW 34946 Clouds at Bar Beach.jpg
SLNSW 75879 De Berri hairdressing salon the Ritz coffee bar.jpg
SLNSW 75874 De Berri hairdressing salon the Ritz coffee bar.jpg
SLNSW 75876 De Berri hairdressing salon the Ritz coffee bar.jpg
SLNSW 75881 De Berri hairdressing salon the Ritz coffee bar.jpg
SLNSW 131353 Gilbert Sullivan Dramatic Society.jpg
SLNSW 36474 Link mats at Variety Theatre and St James Hotel Bar.jpg
SLNSW 34782 Maccabean Hall bar mitzvah dinner.jpg
SLNSW 12172 Penfolds Wines display in a semicircular bar.jpg
SLNSW 12176 Penfolds Wines display in a wine bar.jpg
SLNSW 27665 Public bar.jpg
SLNSW 36485 Rubber link mats at Variety Theatre and St James Hotel Bar.jpg
SLNSW 12003 The public bar Hotel Rozelle for Building Publishing Co.jpg
SLNSW 12037 Adams Hotel Marble Bar in Pitt Street for Building Publishing Co.jpg
SLNSW 32176 Big crane to lift tram lines.jpg
SLNSW 42707 Christian Brothers High School Lewisham sports Schoolboy high jumper clears the bar.jpg
SLNSW 10934 Part of lounge and wheelhouse with ships wheel and bar on the cabin cruiser Leisurlea.jpg
SLNSW 12145 Penfolds Wines display in wine bar window second shop from Paddington Post Office.jpg
SLNSW 14249 Plaza Hotel temporary bar and Peapes Menswear Store next door.jpg
SLNSW 50946 Unidentified golfer lines up a putt.jpg
SLNSW 8899 Conservatorium of Music.jpg
SLNSW 6681 Headed by two long lines of men some are tramwaymen.jpg
SLNSW 32494 Madame Rachel Le Patourel music teacher.jpg
SLNSW 32797 Music supervisor with group of students.jpg
SLNSW 13313 Sayburns Music Store window display.jpg
SLNSW 31994 Sunday afternoon music concert at King Edward Park.jpg
Note sections.svg
Note sections sv black.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (LW) 4Jahre BAR.svg
DEU SS-Dienstauszeichnung 4Jahre BAR.svg
DEU SS-Dienstauszeichnung 8Jahre BAR.svg
DEU SS-Dienstauszeichnung 25Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (Heer-KM) 4Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (LW) 12Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (LW) 18Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (LW) 25Jahre BAR.svg
DEU SS-Dienstauszeichnung 12Jahre BAR.svg
HUN Szovetsegert Szolgalati Jel BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (Heer-KM) 40Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (Heer-KM) 18Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (Heer-KM) 25Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (Heer-KM) 12Jahre BAR.svg
DEU WH-Dienstauszeichnung (LW) 40Jahre BAR.svg
Ich steh an deiner krippen hier.svg
Variations on a Waltz by Diabelli - Theme.svg
(Portrait of Buddy Morrow, New York, N.Y., ca. Sept. 1946) (LOC) (5061915177).jpg
Jingle Bells refrain vector.svg
File metadata cleanup drive impact Oct2014-Jan2015.svg
Fantasy of the Alps (Carl Gustav Carus) - Nationalmuseum - 179389.tif.tiff
SLNSW 100045 Works in Parramatta Road premises taken over by Ministry of Munitions for War production.jpg
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