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Силоси за житарице и кукуруз усред лета на југозападу
Курица, запеченная целиком до аппетитной хрустящей корочки с гранатом и красным апельсином. Традиционное новогоднее и рождественское блюдо. На заднем плане — рождественские украшения. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Coastal townscape illuminated in early morning. Virginia Air & Space Science Center и NASA Langley visitor center in Hampton, Virginia
Riverside Neighborhood awakening in the morning: Hampton streets with First Presbyterian Church and Virginia Air & Space Science Center and NASA Langley visitor center in dawn horizon on Hampton River, Virginia
A separate piece of charcoal lies on white, close-up.
Agrilus planipennis - Emerald ash borer. High quality photo
Beautiful drone shot of downtown district of Sofia, Bulgaria, St. Alexader Nevski Cathedral in the middle, gold colored domes. (Bulgarian: Красив кадър от дрон на централната част на София, България,  храм-паметник Свети Александър Невски в средата, златни куполи/кубета). The photo is taken with drone DJI Phantom 4 Pro.
Инжењер са повредом од болова у леђима после несреће на градилишту
A wasp crawls along a windowsill, side view.
Wide aerial drone shot of  Sofia city, Bulgaria Vitosha street -  (Bulgarian : София, бул. Витоша , НДК Национален дворец на културата). The picture was taken at day time with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter.
Тирольский пирог с нежным заварным кремом, вишней и голубикой. Бисквитный пирог с лёгким кремом, со свежими ягодами и желе. Традиционная выпечка. Крупный план, выборочная фокусировка.
Салат с консервированным тунцом, томатами, арахисом, манго, авокадо, сельдереем, хлопьями чили и чёрным кунжутом. Лёгкий летний салат с оливковым маслом и долькой лимона. Домашняя кухня. Выборочная фокусировка, крупный план.
The surface of the table is strewn with yellow leaves, there is a large cup of tea and sweets.
Aerial drone point of view of Burgas, Bulgaria, Black sea coastline and sea garden at sunseet - (Bulgarian: Кадър от дрон, Бургас, България, Черно море и Морска градина). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Drone point of view of memorial complex \
Round shaped oatmeal cookies lie on a white background.
Sofia, Bulgaria, downtown district, statue of Sofia and busy city street with cars  - (Bulgarian : Статуята на София, България), Statue in downtown district in Sofia, Bulgaria. The photo is taken with Sony A7s3 camera
On a white background there is a pencil with a simple lead and a school wooden triangle.
Wide aerial drone shot of  public park Vazrajdane ,  Sofia city, Bulgaria, (Bulgarian :парк Възраждане и комплекс Възраждане, София, България). The picture was taken at day time with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter.
A chocolate heart-shaped candy lies on a white background.
Wide drone shot of The Founders of the Bulgarian State Monument - 1300 years Bulgaria, above Shumen, Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Общ план на паметник \
Wide dron shot of Stara Zagora, city in Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Общ план на град Стара Загора). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
Yellow leaves of different shapes lie on the table.
Yellow leaves of different shapes lie in a circle on a white table.
Aerial view of downtown district, town square of Ruse, Bulgaria and Monument of Liberty - (Bulgarian: Русе, България и Паметникът на Свободата ). The picture is taken with DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone / quadcopter
Wide dron shot of Stara Zagora, city in Bulgaria at sunset (Bulgarian: Общ план на град Стара Загора по залез). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
On the table with yellow leaves there is a cup of drunk tea, plates with the remains of sweets and cookies.
Drone point of view of Tundja river near Stara Zagora (Bulagarian: Снимка с дрон на река Тунджа в близост до Стара Загора, България). The photo is taken with DJI quadcopter Mavic III
Two bars of broken chocolate with filling lie on a white background.
Background drawing painted with yellow watercolor on a white background.
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Спуск на воду крейсера Аврора 11 мая 1900.jpg
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